Udo oil 369 is a blend which is good source for unrefined DHA from plants. Recent research shows that DHA in our bodies accounts for additional omega 3 in retina and brains also improve on memory concentration and also ensure great brain communication.
Udo oil consists of DHA 369 omega 3.6.9 in the ratio of 2:1:1 which is organic, raw and fresh. The essential fatty acid content improves our skin, enables better sleep, improves body energy and also reduces body inflammations.
· Reduce body cardiovascular diseases
· Enable heart functioning
· Increases HDL and reduces LDL cholesterol
· Reduce body inflammations
· Promotes healthy moods
· Improve mental concentrations
· Boost the immune system
· Improves body general soft skin
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EFAs) is good in maintaining body cardiovascular health and good too regulate inflammation. The precursor for series of chemicals in EFAs regulates effects of inflammatory of arachidonic acid. However, increased arachidonic acd in the body may lead to inflammation condition and pain leading to arthritis.
The acid also increases inflammation on body arteries and leads to atherosclerotic plaque. If we are deficient of EFA we risk acquiring cardiac arrhythmias, increased aging effects and raised body cholesterol. EFAs have for decades been used in treating arthritis, cardiac conditions and inflammation.
Essential fatty acids EFAs are significant for functioning of body cells. Our bodies have no capacity to produce them without supplements or dietary ingredients. EFAs aid in support of energy production, transfer of oxygen and also improve cell membrane functioning.
The precursors of hormone like substances contain potent EFA content and are referred to prostaglandins. Our bodies require a balance of omega 3.6.9. Omegas 3 are known in suppressing inflammation conditions while omega 6 promotes body inflammation.
Order your own pack of UDO Oil 369 for an affordable rate at www.vitasave.ca. Vitasava.ca is a Canadian site that is distributing lots of dietary supplements for more than a decade. Kick start a healthy body program by ordering supplements from www.vitasave.ca.
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