Rapid Cleanse is a 7 day, therapeutic strength cleansing program that uses natural herbs to cleanse the entire body, and fibre to help eliminate released toxins. Rapid Cleanse is perfect for people who want to perform a shorter cleanse but need a rapid results.
Rapid Cleanse facilitate the body’s 7 channels of elimination to aid the normal process of detoxification (processing the free radicals, body’s toxins, and body pollutants) and cleansing (removes these unwanted substances through the bowel, urinary tract, and skin).
Rapid Cleanse facilitate the body’s 7 channels of elimination to aid the normal process of detoxification (processing the free radicals, body’s toxins, and body pollutants) and cleansing (removes these unwanted substances through the bowel, urinary tract, and skin).
Rapid Cleanse comes in 3 part cleanse. Firstly part 1 and part 3 are mixtures of minerals, amino acids, and herbs formulated into vegetable capsules, while part 2 is a powdered fibre supplement fromacaciafibre.Part 1 of Rapid Cleanse directly works by stimulating the organs, thereby increasing the detoxification of the body. It contains a combination of herbs, such as dandelion, milk thistle, and turmeric, which helps the liver’s production of the bile.
The liver helps to transfers toxin into the bile, this bile are then carried to the small intestine where the bile is absorbed by the fibre supplement and carried to the colon for removal. Part 1 also contains the diuretic herb artichoke. The diuretic herb artichoke allows the body to remove more water from the blood, which increases the volume of urine excreted from the body. Part 1 also contains natural herbs that aids the removal of toxins through the skin and the lungs, it as aids the cleansing of the blood as well asstimulatingthelymphatic’s.
Rapid Cleanse Part 2 is a fibre supplement containing acacia fibre. Normally, we recommend a balanced blend of the fibre (i.e. FibreSMART). But, due to the quality effect this product has on the liver, it is necessary to combine with a fully soluble fibre. You can use Acacia fibre as it is a soluble fibre that helps absorbs toxins removal from the body. This is extremely important as unabsorbed toxins can be re-circulated back into the body causing complications.
Renew Life Rapid Cleanse Part 3 aids the removal from the colon. This contains magnesium hydroxide which aids the regulation of water into the bowel. People have constipation because they get dehydrated. But in a situation where the colon is fully hydrated, removal process can occur more easily, even without the need of harsh laxatives. Rapid Cleanse Part 3 also contains the some herbs cape aloe, rhubarb, and triphala which stimulate peristalsis. Once the colon gets fully hydrated and peristalsis is properly stimulated, removal process can be achieved at a normal level(2-3timesperday).
· Helps to remove waste and toxins
· It promotes regulatrity
· Support for the body's waste removal path-ways
· It aids easy-mixing acacia fiber
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