Friday, 10 March 2017

Wild Rose Detox As A Kit


Itrecommended that one should eat only 60% alkaline and the natural foods in his / her diet section 2 and 3 and then limit the intake of acid forming foods to 40%. Wild rose detox is known for balancing the pH levels in the body in order for it to operate more efficiently at an optimum level.

Our diet tends towards much more acid forming foods, making it harder for the body to do its job. Therefore one is advised not to take flour, flour products, sugar or even fermented foods and sauces. 
Mushrooms and grapes are known to have more yeast on our skin, peanuts have natural occurring yeast and molds, and sugar is not permitted as yeast will survive on it. It also rids of the excess yeast from the body in order to balance yeast and naturally occurring yeast in our bodies.

Yeast overgrowth and imbalances can cause digestive problems like bloating, headache, fatigue, depression etc. In this case Wild Rose Detox is considered as a basic of good health by many natural health care practitioners. Pollutants from the environment found in the air, water and foods that we consume and the waste produced from normal bodily processes, can accumulated within the body thus leading state of congestion.

The benefits of using Wild rose detox as a kit are :

· It helps in maintain healthy balance

· It is formulated by clinical herbalist

· Meal plan is enclosed

· Known for stimulating and cleansing together with detoxification

· A gentle programme which is effective 12 day program

Vita save has been selling high quality supplements. is a well known name in the supplement industry and has been dominating the supplement world for over a decade with their all natural high quality products that will enable you to take your first impressive leap towards a healthy living. You can enjoy lump sum discounts on the natural supplements sold here along with free shipping and several other deals exclusively for you.

Healthy Innotech Details Wholy Tea

 Innotech Wholy Tea - The Total Body Cleanse

Wholy Tea is for efficient liver and bowel Detox program. At times we have stomach bloat feel or worse still get constipated. What you don’t know is that 1-5lbs of your body weight could just be fecal matter in intestinal wall or colon that is causing all body problems. Wholy tea could just be the solution you have been waiting for.

The program is initiated to clean the colon and liver. It involves intake of 2 cups of wholy tea supplement. The program may last a month but individuals have claimed that the tea worked for them in just a week. Wholly tea aids to reduce the size of belly. The program main objective is to regulate your bowel movement and ensure free flow of waste and eliminate chances of fecal getting stuck in colon or intestines. When taking Wholy tea, you also need to at least include intake of 8 cups of water on daily basis.

There are many people who are dying simply because of colon related problems. Colon cleanse is good to eliminate waste and at the same time conserve water. The end of the digestive tract is referred to as colon which is 2.5 inches in diameter and 5 feet long. Body waste accumulates in form of dead cells, worms, feces and parasites which are very dangerous to genera health.

Waste materials are usually toxic in nature thus need of fast elimination. When they are not removed they enter the blood system making us feel weak, tired and ill. If the colon is also blocked, our body cannot synthesize the nutrients properly. Common signs of people with improper colon function are headaches, bloating, confusion, bad breath, constipation, body weakness, irritability, skin problems and sciatic pain.

Wholy tea is so far the best product to consume. It is full of body nutrients and takes care of body colon. The human body is made in such a way that it can naturally expel all the toxins. However, due to industrial kind of living the body gets exposed to lots of chemicals and toxins. The inability of the body to get rid of toxins makes us unhealthy and rise for need of dietary supplements.

Apart from Wholy Tea, you may also purchase Barley green powder, Activated charcoal Canada and lily of the desert detoxfrom As a company, we have been providing dietary supplement for over a decade now; all our products are medically approved, tested and verified. We offer purchase discounts for all organic dietary supplements and free shipping in Canada and within USA. For healthy body, make your purchase today!



Udo oil 369 is a blend which is good source for unrefined DHA from plants. Recent research shows that DHA in our bodies accounts for additional omega 3 in retina and brains also improve on memory concentration and also ensure great brain communication.

Udo oil consists of DHA 369 omega 3.6.9 in the ratio of 2:1:1 which is organic, raw and fresh. The essential fatty acid content improves our skin, enables better sleep, improves body energy and also reduces body inflammations.


· Reduce body cardiovascular diseases

· Enable heart functioning

· Increases HDL and reduces LDL cholesterol

· Reduce body inflammations

· Promotes healthy moods

· Improve mental concentrations

· Boost the immune system

· Improves body general soft skin

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EFAs) is good in maintaining body cardiovascular health and good too regulate inflammation. The precursor for series of chemicals in EFAs regulates effects of inflammatory of arachidonic acid. However, increased arachidonic acd in the body may lead to inflammation condition and pain leading to arthritis.

The acid also increases inflammation on body arteries and leads to atherosclerotic plaque. If we are deficient of EFA we risk acquiring cardiac arrhythmias, increased aging effects and raised body cholesterol. EFAs have for decades been used in treating arthritis, cardiac conditions and inflammation.

Essential fatty acids EFAs are significant for functioning of body cells. Our bodies have no capacity to produce them without supplements or dietary ingredients. EFAs aid in support of energy production, transfer of oxygen and also improve cell membrane functioning.

The precursors of hormone like substances contain potent EFA content and are referred to prostaglandins. Our bodies require a balance of omega 3.6.9. Omegas 3 are known in suppressing inflammation conditions while omega 6 promotes body inflammation.

Order your own pack of UDO Oil 369 for an affordable rate at is a Canadian site that is distributing lots of dietary supplements for more than a decade. Kick start a healthy body program by ordering supplements from

For a free shipping experience check out other terrific supplements Flora Flor-Essence Herbal Tea Blend Liquid, flora super bifido plus probiotic, New chapter every woman's one daily and many other products.



Thyroid disorder is common in North America. Research studies show that out of 10 women, 2 are affected. The common symptoms experienced include: dry skin, reduced libido, weight gain, depression, headaches, low temperatures and sensitivity to colds.

Thyrosene is a pure combination of vital nutrients which improves hormonal balancing and conversion of T4 to T3 (The hormones that aid body metabolism) it also enhances weight loss and also improves body energy.

The supplement ingredients: Pantothenic, Ashwagandha, L-tyrosine and Guggal. Women Sense Thyrosense in women is always confused by depression. Low thyroid may also be as a result of poor diets and not considering intake of body supplements.

 Low thyroid infections are now common health matters which affect the person emotionally and physically.
Majority of people with thyroid infections may not know it and it may go unnoticed for years. Medical practitioners check basal temperatures too check on low thyroid. People with low thyroid have a cold body and there is a broad range of degrees.

Low thyroid refers to metabolic decrease of hypothyroid stare. People affected may have weigh gain and decrease in production of neurotransmitters to the brain. This leads to anxiety, memory loss, insomnia and depression. When body neurotransmitters are properly functional we experience low temperatures as well as poor digestion thus bring about constipation, stomach upsets,, gases and general heartburn.

The insulin hormone is involved in regulating body sugars which is greatly affected when body temperatures lower. The fluctuations may also cause hypoglycemia effects which need to be treated alongside thyroid condition. Thyrosense supplement improves thyroid health as well as improving metabolism body energy.


· Support and treatment from low thyroid

· Helps in conversion of T4 to T3

· Aids in weight loss program

· Raise levels of body temperatures

· Promotes hormonal balancing

· Boosts body energy

Order your own pack of thyrosensefor an affordable rate at is a Canadian site that is distributing lots of dietary supplements for more than a decade. 

Kick start a healthy body program by ordering supplements from For a free shipping experience check out other terrific supplements ceremonial matcha green tea powder, wild rose herbal detox, amazing grass wheat grass powder and many other products.

Thursday, 9 March 2017



Super 8 probiotic contains high concentration of Lactobacillus acidophilus a formula which provides the body with adequate probiotic strain. L. acidophilus produces body enzymes which aid to digest fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The gastrointestinal/ immune systems are widely supported by the lactic acid produced by bacterial strains.

The best foods to get probiotics is use of dairy products and yogurt however, large concentrations may be obtained in supplements. A single capsule of Flora Super 8 Probiotic contains 11.25 billions of Lactobacillus acidophilus, when the strain of the bodyis lower that recommended we experience lactose intolerance.

The UDO nutritional professionals have manufactured a lot of probiotic supplements which may serve every family member. The amount and kind of probiotic needed at every stage in life is different and their content is required in large amounts during ill health. Super 8 probiotics must be taken after meals.

These bacterial strains are developed, tested and approved for effect on gastrointestinal tract. Many foods in the market may contain live probiotics but UDO supplement provides large concentrations of probiotics which survive stomach acids.
Majority of people assume that they have a healthy body and their intestinal tract is functioning properly. Nevertheless, digestive system, environmental factors and lifestyle greatly inconvenience the entire digestive system. The cause of many body problems are enhanced by bad bacteria in the intestinal tract.

The factors are also due to poor dietary habits, increased use of chlorinated water, depression condition, eating highly refined foods and intake of antibiotics as medical prescribed treatments. Whenever there is an imbalance between the good and bad bacteria then you will experience poor absorption and increased body toxins.

Thus why you will hear people complain that they are either constipated, have stomach gases or bloated stomach as well as painful discomforts. If the imbalance process becomes chronic, it compromises general health and immune system leading to different kinds of diseases.

Order your own pack of super 8 probiotic for an affordable rate at is a Canadian site that is distributing lots of dietary supplements for more than a decade. Kick start a healthy body program by ordering supplements from

For a free shipping experience check out other terrific supplements Flora Flor-Essence Herbal Tea Blend Liquid, New chapter every woman's one daily, udos choice super 8 plus and many other products



Sun warrior blend raw protein consists of 80% proteins, non soy, non heated, raw whole grain vegan protein sold. It is a blend that contains multiple rich, power raw proteins which are tasty. This revolutionary formula is superior and has individualized components.

The cold process of extraction involves dynamic fusing of raw based proteins to create unique and exceptional amino acids such as leucine, arginine, lysine and chain amino acids. The blend is a new generation of raw plant proteins, a breakthrough of constraint plant powders.

Sun warrior blend raw protein is digestible, nutritious potent supplement for any individual who wants to achieve great fitness levels in life. Additionaly, it is a tasty product, fully sourced from green leafy plants and suitable for any diet plan. It is gluten free, soy free, Non GMO, raw and BPA free.

The blend raw protein has a silky texture which contains great taste. It is made with a unique process that consists of hypoallergenic protein and consists of 9 essential amino acids. It is considered to have a correlation of up to98% rate when compared to mother’s milk.

It is thus one of the supplements with highest digestible efficacy ratings and contains proteins different from other whey and soy supplements. Sun warrior warrior blend raw protein is made under low temperatures and the process is free from chemicals.

It is rich in variable minerals and proteins and has so far the highest level of antioxidants to cotrienols, to copherols and essential nutrients such as niacin, potassium, thiamin, iron and riboflavin.

Intake of daily dosage of sun warrior increases rate of absorption of minerals and vitamins. There is a positive correlation between absorption of minerals and vitamins with daily intake of sunwarrior warrior blend raw proteins. WHO organization has recommended use of sunwarrior blend of proteins to malnourished individuals since it is highly digested and absorbed into our bodies.

Order your own pack of Sun Warrior Blend Raw Proteins for an affordable rate at is a Canadian site that is distributing lots of dietary supplements for more than a decade.

Kick start a healthy body program by ordering supplements from For a free shipping experience check out other terrific supplementssunwarrior warrior blend raw protein vanilla, sun warrior blend raw vegan protein, sun warrior blend raw vegan protein, sun warrior chocolate protein powder and many other products.

Sierrasill Spray: Pain Relief Topical


Sierrasil pain relief tops spray has a natural and safe alternative to pharmaceutical medications. The combination sierrasil provide a powerful natural mineral complex, that has been tested, non prescription topical pain reliever.
Unlike the other topical relieve splays uses no binders or any artificial ingredients that is why it is readily absorbed in the tissues where the pain is. Joint pain, swelling and stiffness are common arthritis is the common symptoms of sierra pain spray.

We have got two types of sierrasil formulations which are available in our markets sierrasil spray topical and sierrasil oral powder or tablets which are used for pain relief. Both of them are different when it comes the degree of effectiveness.
Sierrasil Spray in the form of powder or tablets helps in the promotion of long term health benefits. 

On the other hand, sierra topical spray comes in only temporally relief for joint pains. Most of this type of joint pain in which sierrasil Edmonton spray is an effective treatment are backaches, bruises, strains and sprains.

The supplements come formulated with potassium, calcium, aluminum, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon iron barium, manganese, cobalt, copper, zinc and other elements that are naturally occurring. This uniqueness combination makes it a perfect non prescription for reliever of joints pain.

This supplement is known for removing of harmful body toxins , thus relieving the human body from joint related pain and inflammation . It also plays an important role in treating the body from issues like bruises , minor aches that occurs frequently in the joints and muscle at large.

 Sierrasil supply comes formulated 100 percent with natural supplementsYou can visit online supplement store , and look through a wide range of products that are available to our customer . is one of the Canada’s largest online providers of 100 percent natural supplements . For every pack of sierrasil Calgary join relief supplement that that you purchase , and get a discount offer with fast delivery service. Even you an also refer friends and relatives who will still benefit from these services.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Rapid Cleanse-A Fibre Supplements

Rapid Cleanse is a 7 day, therapeutic strength cleansing program that uses natural herbs to cleanse the entire body, and fibre to help eliminate released toxins. Rapid Cleanse is perfect for people who want to perform a shorter cleanse but need a rapid results.

Rapid Cleanse facilitate the body’s 7 channels of elimination to aid the normal process of detoxification (processing the free radicals, body’s toxins, and body pollutants) and cleansing (removes these unwanted substances through the bowel, urinary tract, and skin).

Rapid Cleanse comes in 3 part cleanse. Firstly part 1 and part 3 are mixtures of minerals, amino acids, and herbs formulated into vegetable capsules, while part 2 is a powdered fibre supplement fromacaciafibre.Part 1 of Rapid Cleanse directly works by stimulating the organs, thereby increasing the detoxification of the body. It contains a combination of herbs, such as dandelion, milk thistle, and turmeric, which helps the liver’s production of the bile. 

The liver helps to transfers toxin into the bile, this bile are then carried to the small intestine where the bile is absorbed by the fibre supplement and carried to the colon for removal. Part 1 also contains the diuretic herb artichoke. The diuretic herb artichoke allows the body to remove more water from the blood, which increases the volume of urine excreted from the body. Part 1 also contains natural herbs that aids the removal of toxins through the skin and the lungs, it as aids the cleansing of the blood as well asstimulatingthelymphatic’s.

Rapid Cleanse Part 2 is a fibre supplement containing acacia fibre. Normally, we recommend a balanced blend of the fibre (i.e. FibreSMART). But, due to the quality effect this product has on the liver, it is necessary to combine with a fully soluble fibre. You can use Acacia fibre as it is a soluble fibre that helps absorbs toxins removal from the body. This is extremely important as unabsorbed toxins can be re-circulated back into the body causing complications.

Renew Life Rapid Cleanse Part 3 aids the removal from the colon. This contains magnesium hydroxide which aids the regulation of water into the bowel. People have constipation because they get dehydrated. But in a situation where the colon is fully hydrated, removal process can occur more easily, even without the need of harsh laxatives. Rapid Cleanse Part 3 also contains the some herbs cape aloe, rhubarb, and triphala which stimulate peristalsis. Once the colon gets fully hydrated and peristalsis is properly stimulated, removal process can be achieved at a normal level(2-3timesperday).

· Helps to remove waste and toxins
· It promotes regulatrity
· Support for the body's waste removal path-ways
· It aids easy-mixing acacia fiber is one of Canada's largest and fastest growing company which deals with natural product. Our drive and mission is to make healthy living easy and very affordable for everyone. They provide a high level of customer service and also offer free shipping and a stress-free return policy on every order made.

Do make an important choice and visit our site which supplies you with Advanced Orthomolecular Research’s clinical strength supplements, such as cleansemore, boulardii max e.t.c which are some of the most dominating natural supplements site online in Canada and has been selling high quality, natural supplements for a long time. We still have many other supplements at discounted prices as high as 60% and free shipping.