Flor Essence Herbal Tea Blend is Ojibwa traditional formula to be discovered by humans. The formula aids body in removal of toxins and wastes. The digestive system is where true health begins and ends. Intake of Flor essence herbal tea blends assists a person to have great vibrant equilibrium. This is a one- time formula which contains energetic properties that aid in detoxification and body rejuvenation.
This flor essence herbal tea blend aids in immune support, digestion and Detox process. It is also effective and safe for long term and short term use. The formula is synergistically made to support body pathways which accelerate elimination of toxins, wastes, improve immune and digestive health.
Ingredients & Benefits:
Burdock root (arctium lappa) is an antioxidant which cleanses the body for good immune, digestion and also aid in elimination of body toxins. The active components: tannin, calcium, flavonoids, inulin, iron, essential oils, potassium as well as herbs which aid fast liver Detox.
Red clove (trifolium pretense) is a flavonoid antioxidant that aid functioning of cells and boost of immune system. It also eliminated mucus and phlegm content inside the respiratory tractSlippery Elm (ulmus rubra) improves the function of the kidneys, respiratory system, urinary tract and skin for natural elimination.
It is an ingredient that supports digestive system due to its mucilage element as well as alkalizing the gastrointestinal tract.Sorrel (Rumex acetosella) this is herb which benefits the body with vital minerals and vitamins thus improve general health.
Turkish root (rheum palmatus) is a good Detox for colon, skin, liver and digestive system. It is rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, vitamins B, C and E, zinc, calcium and selenium.
Blessed thistle (Benedictus Cnicus) has been used to support digestion and also for skin detox. This is thorny plant which is rich in iron, manganese and calcium.
Kelp (laminaria diigitata) is sea weed mineral which aids in bowel movements and also boosting of the immune system. It is also good for cleansing colon and intestine. It also contains vitamins and minerals as well as fatty acids, carbohydrates and proteins.Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) is good source for vitamins, chlorophyll, minerals and antioxidants. It is good for body Detox processes.
Order your own pack of Flor essence herbal tea blend for an affordable rate at www.vitasave.ca. Vitasava.ca is a Canadian site that is distributing lots of dietary supplements for more than a decade. Kick start a healthy body program by ordering supplements from www.vitasave.ca.
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