Tuesday, 21 February 2017



Biosil drop is an enhanced acid collagen. The collagen in our bodies acts as glue which keeps our skin from wrinkles, keeps our bones, teeth, hair, arteries and nails in place. Biosil drops enhance collagen that enables mineralization of bone. The research journal of bone and mineral showcases that biosil each day along with calcium and vitaminD improve femure mineral density.

(Hip Bone) One out of four women suffers osteoporosis and fractured hips due to lack of body collagen. Hence it is sensible to consider Biosil Drops everyday as part of healthy bone program. Recent studies also reported that individuals with poor gums, fragile nails indicate poor bone health an early indicator for osteoporosis. To prevent osteoporosis, we have to consider daily intake of biosil since it contains femmeEssentials and OsteoSense for healthy strong bones. A Biosil drop is a natural supplement which contains choline- orthosilic stabilized acid a form of biological silicon that is actively absorbed in our bodies.

One drop of biosil can be compared to 600 litres of mineral water plus a bottle of ortholisic acid. We have biosil in drops and capsules form. The recommended dosage includes 6 drops of biosil or one capsule every single day. For an individual experiencing tooth and gum conditions, nail and hair loss and additional 6 drops of biosil would work better or consider intake of 2 capsules.

 The drops may be purchases in local health stores but medical prescription is required for expectant mothers. Since we have biosil for strong bones, I do not recommend that you throw away the prescribed drugs. Intake of biosil may be complemented with other medical drugs without any side effects. Adequate collagen provides sites for calcium to bind. Collagen and calcium have to bind to be advantageous to the bone. For this reason, majority of aged individuals have less body collagen due to decreasing levels of calcium as well as bone mineral density (BMD)

Order your own pack of Biosil Drops for an affordable rate at www.vitasave.ca Vitasava.ca is a Canadian site that is distributing lots of dietary supplements for more than a decade. Kick start a healthy you by ordering supplements from www.vitasave.ca. For a free shipping experience check out other terrific supplements Nordic naturals cod liver, Glucosamine 900 mg, Amazing grass organic wheat grass and many other products.

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